Cavities! You can’t blame them all on candy & soda

Halsey Schools Preschool Infant & Toddler Care in Woodland Hills

Cavities are caused by other things besides candy

Candy & Soda cause the most cavities right?

Actually about 90 percent of what children eat contains the sugars, starches & carbohydrates that can lead to cavities. Crackers, chips, cookies… even foods that are good for children, like fruits, breads, peanut butter, pasta, gummy vitamins and no/low sugar cereals can lead to cavities unless preventative measures are taken. The real problem is not as much what is eaten but how long it stays on the teeth. Yes, sodas and candy can lead to cavities but cavities are not all their fault. Any foods that can get stuck on or between the teeth can lead to dental problems. Here are some ways you can prevent cavities in your children’s teeth.

Prevent Cavities

  • Encourage your children to eat regular nutritious meals and avoid frequent between-meal snacking.
  • Limit sticky, starchy, sugary foods & drinks.
  • Protect your child’s teeth with fluoride.
    • Drink the water that come out of your tap. Its treated with fluoride. Or look for bottled water that’s treated.
    • Use a fluoride toothpaste. For preschool children you only need a pea-sized amount on the toothbrush.
  • Make sure your children brush at least twice a day for two minutes after breakfast and before bed time. They’ll need your supervision, reminders, and help until about age 10.
    • As soon as you see a tooth your baby’s mouth start brushing with a soft brush and water.
    • Make it fun with a two-minute timer or by singing a two-minute song.
    • Brush your teeth at the same time. Children really do learn from what you do. Your habits become their habits.
    • Help them get the tough spots. It can be hard to brush your teeth when you’re young. Help your children out until they get the hang of it.
    • Make sure they never go to sleep with a bottle or eat or drink anything other than water after brushing before bedtime.
  •  Floss your child’s teeth daily
    • As soon as your child has two teeth that touch, it is time to floss. Do it for them until they can do it themselves which is usually around age  7-8.
  • Have your child wash his/her mouth out with water after every meal or snack when brushing & flossing isn’t possible.
  • Talk to your child’s dentist about dental sealants. They protect teeth from decay.


Robert Rice - Owner


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