Do you think our teachers are awesome?

Halsey Schools Preschool Infant & Toddler Care in Woodland Hills

Halsey Teacher's are awesome!It’s Teacher Appreciation Week.

I will never forget the first thank you card I received when I started teaching. I all but sobbed when I read it. In-fact, I remember all of them and keep them not only physically but in my heart. Kind words stay in our hearts forever and help both the giver and the receiver become better people. Without praise and appreciation where would any of us be? Please help us celebrate Teacher appreciation week by picking your favorite teachers and writing them some awesome reviews.

Pick a teacher and write a review

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You can also let the teachers know how much you appreciate them by:

  • Mailing a thank you card to 21321 Costanso Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91364. Since mail is hardly used anymore, this will be a pleasant surprise.
  • Praising and thanking one or all of them on our websiteyelpgoogle or facebook.
  • Telling them why and how you appreciate them.
  • Just saying thank you for being a teacher.

My uncle always told me the best gift I could ever give anyone was the gift of appreciation and kind words. He was right.

Jenni Rice - Owner & Director
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