It’s so LOUD in there! Quality preschool classrooms are noisy.

Halsey Schools Preschool Infant & Toddler Care in Woodland Hills

Why is it so LOUD!?

If you’re used to working in a quiet office space or other environment you may find the constant chatter that goes on in our classrooms loud and maybe even annoying. We don’t; We LOVE it!

Quality classrooms are loud & full of energy

Children need to talk & ask questions. Talking gives your child the opportunity to experiment with new words. It provides the vehicle for expressing ideas and testing current knowledge. Shared experiences are important; they give children something to talk about. Children learn the nuances of communication in groups by trying out their language skills. For example, they learn what a question sounds like and how loud is loud enough.

Talking increases intellectual development

Using words and talking about how things work, making comparisons, and retelling experiences lead to increased intellectual development. When children reconstruct experiences, sequence events, and point out similarities or differences, they are clearly engaging in higher-level thinking skills. And when children are encouraged to ask questions, they not only gain information from teachers’ responses but also build their competence and confidence as active seekers of knowledge and understanding.

Speaking increases vocabulary and learning ability

The vocabularies children use in reading and writing are based on the words they are familiar with from listening and speaking.  Expanded vocabularies and other aspects of language growth occur through using language. Talking, playing and learning in the classroom is noisy and that is exactly the way it should be.

Robert Rice - Owner


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